Timothy, Titus & You
Like a magnifying mirror that sheds light on and amplifies the pastoral epistles, this practical, thought provoking, self-evaluation workbook will challenge men (both candidates for eldership, as well as seasoned pastors) to be faithful shepherds over (and among) God’s flock.
—Lou Priolo
president, Competent to Counsel International
Dr. Scipione has organized the material from these three epistles under nine helpful topics, leading the reader to grow in four ways: knowing God’s Word, knowing yourself, disciplining yourself for biblical change, and sharing with others. This book will be a great resource for training elders in caring for themselves and the flock of God.
—Barry York
president, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary
We used this book in our Saturday morning men’s meeting and were greatly blessed, enlightened, and challenged concerning the church and the Christian life.
—Wayne Mack
Strengthening Ministries Training Center, South Africa
Timothy, Titus & You is rife with life-changing application, true to the Scripture and demanding discipline for fulfillment. This study will be a strenuous, but rewarding, training for any who give themselves to it.
—Ken G. Smith
pastor and author of With Him
Read this book, answer the questions with your men, and you and your leaders will grow in depth of life and ability to minister.
—Bob Somerville
professor of biblical counseling, The Master’s University
A masterful tool for the church in helping Christian leaders develop a true, self-knowledge of their own walk before others and the Lord. Scripture is the ultimate criteria for self-evaluation and that is especially true with this study....Our Lord blesses churches who have the right men in leadership. This is an invaluable tool to make sure you are the right man.
—John D. Street
president, Association of Certified Biblical Counselors
The Battle for the Biblical Family
The family is the seedbed where we grow the future of the church, the nation, and the world. In this most helpful and stimulating book, Dr. Scipione gives us a concise manual to understand the Creator’s plan for family life and to live out that plan by the Redeemer’s grace.
—Joel Beeke
president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Scipione lays out the biblical, theological, and cross-cultural foundations for (re-)building the family God’s way, and gives practical strategies. Church leaders and families, take up and read!
—Samuel Ling
president, China Horizon, professor emeritus of systematic theology, International Theological Seminary